Multiple Awards-Winning Brand of Hong Kong
榮 獲 多 個 國 際 獎 項 的 香 港 品 牌
Multiple Awards-Winning Brand of Hong Kong
榮 獲 多 個 國 際 獎 項 的 香 港 品 牌
Welcome to Health Harvest Tualang Honey Online Retail Store
歡迎到訪康禾Tualang 野生蜂蜜網上專門店
Seasoning Ingredients | Tea & Coffee | Fruits & Vegetables | Cocoa & Vanilla | Essenstrate | Essential Oil | Cosmetic & Care

Spices and seasonings are used for flavor, color, aroma and preservation of food and beverages. Spices are derived from many parts of the plant: bark, buds, flowers, fruits, leaves, rhizomes, roots, seeds, stigmas and the entire plant tops.
Our spices and seasonings are made based on their atural aroma, specific texture and taste requirements. We are specialised in manufacturing and developing
special and proprietary formula for food companies.
Our major Seasoning Ingredients products:
White Pepper
Black Pepper
Red Ginger
Candle Nut
Bay Leaf
Rice Powder
Rice Scrub
See our full list of Seasoning Ingredients products.