Multiple Awards-Winning Brand of Hong Kong
榮 獲 多 個 國 際 獎 項 的 香 港 品 牌
Multiple Awards-Winning Brand of Hong Kong
榮 獲 多 個 國 際 獎 項 的 香 港 品 牌
Welcome to Health Harvest Tualang Honey Online Retail Store
歡迎到訪康禾Tualang 野生蜂蜜網上專門店
Tualang Honey | Acacia Honey | Honey Powder | Coconut Palm Sugar | Coconut Syrup

To fulfill market demand for natural sweetener products in their most basic or traditional form, we provide basic materials in products of brown sugar and liquid honey.
With its exotic and distinctive Indonesian characteristics, our natural sweeteners are distinguished for their well known taste & aroma, as well as for their functional benefits.
Our major Natural Sweeteners products:
tualang honey
acacia honey
organic honey spray dried powder
organic coconut palm sugar
organic coconut syrup
See our full list of Natural Sweeteners products.
Contact Us for Wholesale / OEM