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    Choice of Preservation of Health

    . Relieve immediate symptoms of pandemic infectious disease, targeting lung protection
    . Comprehensively regulate health after infection of pandemic infectious disease and reduce the risk of long-term sequelae
    . Strengthen the immune system to reduce the chance of contracting a pandemic infectious disease
    . Reduce the harmful effect of smoking and alcohol to human body
    . Reduce the chance of diagnosed stubborn illness


    Suitable for people caring about:

    . Infected with pandemic infectious disease
    . Weak body
    . Excessive smoking and alcohol
    . Poor sleeping quality
    . Menopausal people


    Click to know more about BLACK HONEY





    . 有助紓緩感染大流行傳染病的即時症狀,針對肺部保護

    . 染疫後全面調理身體健康,減低患上長期後遺症的風險

    . 強化免疲系統,減低感染大流行傳染病的機會

    . 減低菸酒對身體的危害

    . 減低患上頑疾的機會



    . 曾感染大流行傳染病

    . 弱體質

    . 煙酒過多

    . 睡眠 不足

    . 正值更年期的人士



    按此了解更多有關 黑蜂蜜



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