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與精製、加工糖和其他甜味替代品(即甜菊糖)不同,圖拉朗蜂蜜遠不止是空熱量。它不僅僅是一種品味; Tualang 蜂蜜是一種複雜的超級食品,含有豐富的營養和健康益處,礦物質含量是其他蜂蜜的四倍左右。













Miracle Black Tualang Honey helped relief from severe allergies and post nasal drip completely!

USA Customer - Judy on 1 August 2020

I’m so glad I found this honey. My 78 year old mother has had severe allergies for the past 20 years. She has seen multiple specialist and took multiple tests for her allergies. She’s taken years of allergy medication, including getting shots. Nothing helped with her post nasal drip. She used to wake up every morning with bloody mucous in her nose and throat. After taking your honey, the tualang black honey, she miraculously no longer have bloody mucous. Her post nasal drip has gone away also! Thank you! 

Healing Properties for COVID 19

USA Customer - Judy on 27 July 2020

I am from California, USA, and COVID-19 is raging in the community where I live. Unfortunately, one of my friends was infected with COVID-19. I gave her a jar of Tualang Black Honey for therapeutic purpose. She took half jar and her pneumonia symptoms have obviously improved a lot. After taking the whole jar, she fully recovered.


Tualang Honey insures the health of my family under this Century Epidemic.


Purchase item: Black Tualang Honey 10oz / 280g

Extraordinary honey

Amazon USA Customer - Big Bend on 1 May 2020

Love this honey
Flavors so strong
Unlike any other honey
Used it for the taste and as natural medicine during a flu bout


Purchase item: Black Tualang Honey 13oz / 375g 

Great gift for my sister

Amazon USA Customer - Ran on 15 April 2020

My sister was thrilled with these 3 honeys. My 'seller review' was a tad tepid (I thought the sizes were so small for what I paid); but I have since educated myself on the "Apis dorsata" and the difficulty of harvesting the honey from these bees - so now I understand why this honey is pricier than many other honeys. My sister loved the flavor of each honey, and I may have to order some for myself. So glad I got this for my sister.


Purchase item: Assorted Tasting Pack 1.8oz / 50g x 3 jars

Very good flavor tasting collection.

Amazon USA Customer - Marion on 29 March 2020

I liked the different strengths and flavors. I bought these to try after reading that Tualang honey may be good for bone formation. However, due to my tendency to get oral thrush from sugary products I had to give up on this idea. However, I recommend trying these if you don't have candida issues.


Purchase item: Assorted Tasting Pack 1.8oz / 50g x 3 jars

I love it

Amazon USA Customer - Al Beheri Mohammed on 22 March 2020

It is healthy and delicious I like it.


Purchase item: Black Tualang Honey 10oz / 280g


Amazon USA Customer on 6 March 2020

Definitely a different taste than any other honey. And it is much thinner than most, and it is very sweet.


Purchase item: Black Tualang Honey 10oz / 280g

Great taste

Amazon USA Customer - Debbie on 5 February 2020

Great flavor! This is an awesome product.


Purchase item: Assorted Tasting Pack 1.8oz / 50g x 3 jars

Good Quality!

Amazon USA Customer - Ben Ben Ben on 24 January 2020

Genuinely raw, as I checked pollen in the honey under my microscope. Pollen is different from other raw honey, e.g. pollen size is much smaller than that of wind-borne Buckwheat honey. Texture is smoother and less viscous than raw Buckwheat honey.


Purchase item: Black Tualang Honey 10oz / 280g


Delightful and Healthful

Amazon Customer on 23 January 2020

The flavors are delightful and I also purchased for the proven medicinal properties of them.


Purchase item: Red Tualang Honey 10oz / 280g


Please reload

gold chi.jpg



總活性  10.5+


花粉數量  6,500,000+


花粉品種  200+


Major Ingredient

  • 100% pure tualang honey

Country of Origin

  • Harvested from Tropical Rainforest Heritage of Sumatra, a primitive and unpolluted nationally protected area

Bee Species

  • Produced by a special honey bee Apis Dorsata, unique to Southeast Asia equatorial region

Total Activity

  • Total Activity 10.5+ is the combined total of Peroxide Activity (PA) and Non-Peroxide Activity (NPA) tested by the largest honey testing laboratory in the UK using the same methodology generally applied in medical honey

Pollen Count

  • Pollen Count 6,500,000+ means every 10 grams of Gold Honey contains more than 6,500,000 pollen grains

Nectar Source

  • Pollen Varieties 200+ means more than 200 varieties of tropical rainforest pollen grains identified through microscope,originating from diversified tropical rainforest plant flowers with dietetic value


  • Harvested from the deepest rainforest area, very limited supply


  • Strong Mohogany flavour in bitter taste

  • Studies confirmed Mahogany contains 3 major active ingredients: flavonoids, saponins and isoflavones. Their efficacy on blood sugar, blood lipids and blood pressure is well recognised

  • Rich in bioactive compounds: vitamins, minerals, amino acids, yeast, enzymes, flavonoids, phenols


  • 關注提高自身組織及康復能力的人士


  • 特別適合:

       . 關注細胞異變

       . 關注三高

       . 關注心臟健康

       . 受治療副作用困擾

       . 氣血不佳、面色蒼白暗黃

       . 腸胃功能差、嚴重便秘

       . 受更年期症狀困擾

       . 精神緊張、經常失眠

       . 煙酒過多、肝肺功能偏弱


  • 建議每天早晚直接口服1/2茶匙;需要時每天服用不多於2茶匙。


  • Tualang野生蜂蜜的天然顏色、味道和口感因採集季節而有所不同,不影響其食療價值。蜂蜜顏色越深,代表蘊含更多的花粉品種和礦物質,療效更強。


  • 紅蜂蜜/黃蜂蜜較溫和,適合初服者服用。視乎食療需要,服用紅蜂蜜/黃蜂蜜一段時間後,可考慮轉服黑蜂蜜/金蜂蜜。

  • 建議連續服用至少3個月,以提高療效。天然保健品無法替代日常飲食和健康的生活方式。如果症狀持續,必須盡快求醫。

  • 原生蜂蜜含有蜂花粉、蜂巢碎、蜂膠、蜂翼碎片、豐富的活性酶,這些都是正常的情況,可能會產生顆粒、斑點、結晶、開瓶聲和輕微滲漏,並且不影響食用安全。

  • 原生蜂蜜在採集後2-3個月內逐漸結晶,結晶程度取決於季節因素和花蜜來源。葡萄糖含量較高且果糖含量較低的蜂蜜具有較高的結晶度。蜂蜜質量不受結晶的影響。將整瓶蜂蜜浸在熱水中,結晶蜂蜜會漸漸變回液體狀。


  • 不能將蜂蜜與溫度超過60°C的水混合。高溫加熱會嚴重破壞蜂蜜中的營養成分,減低其食療價值。


  • 玻璃瓶包裝可確保蜂蜜質量不受金屬或塑料的影響。避免使用金屬工具來食用或儲存蜂蜜,因為金屬會引起蜂蜜的氧化作用並影響其食療價值。


  • 蜂蜜不適合1歲以下的嬰兒或患有蜂蜜過敏的人。



香港市場: 該產品未根據《藥劑業和毒藥條例》或《中藥條例》進行註冊。對其提出的任何索賠均未經過此類註冊的評估。本產品無意於診斷,治療或預防任何疾病。


美國市場: 本網站上的內容僅供參考,不能代替持照保健專業人員的建議。您不應該僅依賴於此內容,Amazon對於不正確之處不承擔任何責任。使用產品前,請務必閱讀標籤和說明。 FDA尚未評估有關膳食補充劑的聲明,並且這些產品無意於診斷,治療,治愈或預防任何疾病或狀況。關於膳食補充劑的聲明尚未得到FDA的評估,也無意於診斷,治療,治愈或預防任何疾病或健康狀況。





black chi.jpg



總活性  14+


花粉數量  4,800,000+


花粉品種  150+

black chi.jpg


總活性  11.5+


花粉數量  4,000,000+

花粉品種  100+


Major Ingredient

  • 100% pure tualang honey

Country of Origin

  • Harvested from Tropical Rainforest Heritage of Sumatra, a primitive and unpolluted nationally protected area

Bee Species

  • Produced by a special honey bee Apis Dorsata, unique to Southeast Asia equatorial region

Total Activity

  • Total Activity 11.5+ / 14+ is the combined total of Peroxide Activity (PA) and Non-Peroxide Activity (NPA) tested by the largest honey testing laboratory in the UK using the same methodology generally applied in medical honey

Pollen Count

  • Pollen Count 4,000,000+ /4,800,000+ means every 10 grams of Black Honey contains more than 4,000,000 / 4,800,000 pollen grains

Nectar Source

  • Pollen Varieties 100+ / 150+ means more than 100 / 150 varieties of tropical rainforest pollen grains identified through microscope,originating from diversified tropical rainforest plant flowers with dietetic value


  • Harvested from the deepest rainforest area

  • Natural dark black colour, rich in pollen and minerals, unique antioxidant function

  • Strong and complex natural fragrance

  • Sweet flavour

  • Crystalised in form of smooth and creamy texture

  • Rich in bioactive compounds: vitamins, minerals, amino acids, yeast, enzymes, flavonoids, phenols


  • 關注提高自身組織及康復能力的人士


  • 特別適合:

       . 男士增強能量

       . 關注細胞異變

       . 受治療副作用困擾

       . 氣血不佳、面色蒼白暗黃

       . 腸胃功能差、嚴重便秘

       . 受更年期症狀困擾

       . 精神緊張、經常失眠

       . 煙酒過多、肝肺功能偏弱



  • 建議每天早晚直接口服1茶匙;需要時每天服用不多於4茶匙。​


  • Tualang帝王木蜂蜜的天然顏色、味道和口感因採集季節而有所不同,不影響其食療價值。蜂蜜顏色越深,代表蘊含更多的花粉品種和礦物質,療效更強。

  • 紅蜂蜜/黃蜂蜜較溫和,適合初服者服用。視乎食療需要,服用紅蜂蜜/黃蜂蜜一段時間後,可考慮轉服黑蜂蜜/金蜂蜜。

  • 建議連續服用至少3個月,以提高療效。天然保健品無法替代日常飲食和健康的生活方式。如果症狀持續,必須盡快求醫。

  • 原生蜂蜜含有蜂花粉、蜂巢碎、蜂膠、蜂翼碎片、豐富的活性酶,這些都是正常的情況,可能會產生顆粒、斑點、結晶、開瓶聲和輕微滲漏,並且不影響食用安全。

  • 原生蜂蜜在採集後2-3個月內逐漸結晶,結晶程度取決於季節因素和花蜜來源。葡萄糖含量較高且果糖含量較低的蜂蜜具有較高的結晶度。蜂蜜質量不受結晶的影響。將整瓶蜂蜜浸在熱水中,結晶蜂蜜會漸漸變回液體狀。


  • 不能將蜂蜜與溫度超過60°C的水混合。高溫加熱會嚴重破壞蜂蜜中的營養成分,減低其食療價值。

  • 玻璃瓶包裝可確保蜂蜜質量不受金屬或塑料的影響。避免使用金屬工具來食用或儲存蜂蜜,因為金屬會引起蜂蜜的氧化作用並影響其食療價值。

  • 蜂蜜不適合1歲以下的嬰兒或患有蜂蜜過敏的人。




香港市場: 該產品未根據《藥劑業和毒藥條例》或《中藥條例》進行註冊。對其提出的任何索賠均未經過此類註冊的評估。本產品無意於診斷,治療或預防任何疾病。


美國市場: 本網站上的內容僅供參考,不能代替持照保健專業人員的建議。您不應該僅依賴於此內容,Amazon對於不正確之處不承擔任何責任。使用產品前,請務必閱讀標籤和說明。 FDA尚未評估有關膳食補充劑的聲明,並且這些產品無意於診斷,治療,治愈或預防任何疾病或狀況。關於膳食補充劑的聲明尚未得到FDA的評估,也無意於診斷,治療,治愈或預防任何疾病或健康狀況。





red chi.jpg



總活性  10+

花粉數量  3,200,000+


花粉品種  100+



Major Ingredient

  • 100% pure tualang honey

Country of Origin

  • Harvested from Tropical Rainforest Heritage of Sumatra, a primitive and unpolluted nationally protected area

Bee Species

  • Produced by a special honey bee Apis Dorsata, unique to Southeast Asia equatorial region

Total Activity

  • Total Activity 10+ is the combined total of Peroxide Activity (PA) and Non-Peroxide Activity (NPA) tested by the largest honey testing laboratory in the UK using the same methodology generally applied in medical honey

Pollen Count

  • Pollen Count 3,200,000+ means every 10 grams of Red Honey contains more than 3,200,000 pollen grains

Nectar Source

  • Pollen Varieties 100+ means more than 100 varieties of tropical rainforest pollen grains identified through microscope,originating from diversified tropical rainforest plant flowers with dietetic value


  • Harvested from the deepest rainforest area


  • Mild natural aroma; Sweet flavour with light sour


  • Crystalised in form of smooth and creamy texture.


  • Rich in bioactive compounds: vitamins, minerals, amino acids, yeast, enzymes, flavonoids, phenols


  • 關注加強自身健康和預防和治療疾病


  • 特別適合:










  • 建議每天早晚直接口服1茶匙;需要時每天服用不多於4茶匙。​


  • Tualang帝王木蜂蜜的天然顏色、味道和口感因採集季節而有所不同,不影響其食療價值。蜂蜜顏色越深,代表蘊含更多的花粉品種和礦物質,療效更強。

  • 紅蜂蜜/黃蜂蜜較溫和,適合初服者服用。視乎食療需要,服用紅蜂蜜/黃蜂蜜一段時間後,可考慮轉服黑蜂蜜/金蜂蜜。

  • 建議連續服用至少3個月,以提高療效。天然保健品無法替代日常飲食和健康的生活方式。如果症狀持續,必須盡快求醫。

  • 原生蜂蜜含有蜂花粉、蜂巢碎、蜂膠、蜂翼碎片、豐富的活性酶,這些都是正常的情況,可能會產生顆粒、斑點、結晶、開瓶聲和輕微滲漏,並且不影響食用安全。


  • 原生蜂蜜在採集後2-3個月內逐漸結晶,結晶程度取決於季節因素和花蜜來源。葡萄糖含量較高且果糖含量較低的蜂蜜具有較高的結晶度。蜂蜜質量不受結晶的影響。將整瓶蜂蜜浸在熱水中,結晶蜂蜜會漸漸變回液體狀。


  • 不能將蜂蜜與溫度超過60°C的水混合。高溫加熱會嚴重破壞蜂蜜中的營養成分,減低其食療價值。


  • 玻璃瓶包裝可確保蜂蜜質量不受金屬或塑料的影響。避免使用金屬工具來食用或儲存蜂蜜,因為金屬會引起蜂蜜的氧化作用並影響其食療價值。

  • 蜂蜜不適合1歲以下的嬰兒或患有蜂蜜過敏的人。



香港市場: 該產品未根據《藥劑業和毒藥條例》或《中藥條例》進行註冊。對其提出的任何索賠均未經過此類註冊的評估。本產品無意於診斷,治療或預防任何疾病。


美國市場: 本網站上的內容僅供參考,不能代替持照保健專業人員的建議。您不應該僅依賴於此內容,Amazon對於不正確之處不承擔任何責任。使用產品前,請務必閱讀標籤和說明。 FDA尚未評估有關膳食補充劑的聲明,並且這些產品無意於診斷,治療,治愈或預防任何疾病或狀況。關於膳食補充劑的聲明尚未得到FDA的評估,也無意於診斷,治療,治愈或預防任何疾病或健康狀況。





yellow chi.jpg


總活性  9.5+

花粉數量  2,400,000+

花粉品種  100+


Major Ingredient

  • 100% pure tualang honey

Country of Origin

  • Harvested from Tropical Rainforest Heritage of Sumatra, a primitive and unpolluted nationally protected area

Bee Species

  • Produced by a special honey bee Apis Dorsata, unique to Southeast Asia equatorial region

Total Activity

  • Total Activity 9.5+ is the combined total of Peroxide Activity (PA) and Non-Peroxide Activity (NPA) tested by the largest honey testing laboratory in the UK using the same methodology generally applied in medical honey

Pollen Count

  • Pollen Count 2,400,000+ means every 10 grams of Yellow Honey contains more than 2,400,000 pollen grains

Nectar Source

  • Pollen Varieties 100+ means more than 100 varieties of tropical rainforest pollen grains identified through microscope,originating from diversified tropical rainforest plant flowers with dietetic value


  • Mainly Acacia Auriculiformis, Palm, Rubber plant flowers from tropical rainforest


  • Light aroma of Acacia Auriculiformis; Sweet flavour with light sour


  • Higher natural moisture facilitates easy absorption by human body


  • Not crystalised easily due to high fructose and low glucose content; Lower risk of dramatic increase in blood sugar 


  • Rich in bioactive compounds: vitamins, minerals, amino acids, yeast, enzymes, flavonoids, phenols


  • 男女老幼皆宜


  • 特別適合:




  • 建議每天早晚直接口服1茶匙;需要時每天服用不多於4茶匙。​​


  • Tualang帝王木蜂蜜的天然顏色、味道和口感因採集季節而有所不同,不影響其食療價值。蜂蜜顏色越深,代表蘊含更多的花粉品種和礦物質,療效更強。

  • 紅蜂蜜/黃蜂蜜較溫和,適合初服者服用。視乎食療需要,服用紅蜂蜜/黃蜂蜜一段時間後,可考慮轉服黑蜂蜜/金蜂蜜。

  • 建議連續服用至少3個月,以提高療效。天然保健品無法替代日常飲食和健康的生活方式。如果症狀持續,必須盡快求醫。

  • 原生蜂蜜含有蜂花粉、蜂巢碎、蜂膠、蜂翼碎片、豐富的活性酶,這些都是正常的情況,可能會產生顆粒、斑點、結晶、開瓶聲和輕微滲漏,並且不影響食用安全。

  • 原生蜂蜜在採集後2-3個月內逐漸結晶,結晶程度取決於季節因素和花蜜來源。葡萄糖含量較高且果糖含量較低的蜂蜜具有較高的結晶度。蜂蜜質量不受結晶的影響。將整瓶蜂蜜浸在熱水中,結晶蜂蜜會漸漸變回液體狀。

  • 不能將蜂蜜與溫度超過60°C的水混合。高溫加熱會嚴重破壞蜂蜜中的營養成分,減低其食療價值。

  • 玻璃瓶包裝可確保蜂蜜質量不受金屬或塑料的影響。避免使用金屬工具來食用或儲存蜂蜜,因為金屬會引起蜂蜜的氧化作用並影響其食療價值。

  • 蜂蜜不適合1歲以下的嬰兒或患有蜂蜜過敏的人。




香港市場: 該產品未根據《藥劑業和毒藥條例》或《中藥條例》進行註冊。對其提出的任何索賠均未經過此類註冊的評估。本產品無意於診斷,治療或預防任何疾病。


美國市場: 本網站上的內容僅供參考,不能代替持照保健專業人員的建議。您不應該僅依賴於此內容,Amazon對於不正確之處不承擔任何責任。使用產品前,請務必閱讀標籤和說明。 FDA尚未評估有關膳食補充劑的聲明,並且這些產品無意於診斷,治療,治愈或預防任何疾病或狀況。關於膳食補充劑的聲明尚未得到FDA的評估,也無意於診斷,治療,治愈或預防任何疾病或健康狀況。





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