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Multiple Awards-Winning Brand of Hong Kong
榮 獲 多 個 國 際 獎 項 的 香 港 品 牌
Welcome to Health Harvest Tualang Honey Online Retail Store
歡迎到訪康禾Tualang 野生蜂蜜網上專門店

Save The Rainforest
Our Mission
The Indonesian Islands of Sumatra hold some of the richest and most diverse tropical forests on the plant, giving shelter to many rare species and providing livelihoods for millions of people.
The Island's tropical climate and diverse ecoregions have created habitats that house thousands of unique species.
a home for one of the most diverse places on the Earth.
The lowland ecosystem of Sumatra is among the most threatened ecosystems in the world.
Over the past few decades, deforestation on the island has resulted loss of almost 50% of its tropical rainforest.
Many species are now critically endangered, such as tiger, elephant, rhinoceros, orangutan and Apis Dorsata.
Health Harvest is socially responsible for protecting the tropical rainforest through Tualang Honey.
Facts & Figures
Throughout the many distinct ecoregions in Sumatra are 174 species of mammals, 450 bird species, 191 reptile species, 52 amphibian species, and over 4,500 plant species.
Species at Risk
Sustainable Tualang Honey
Can Help Conservation
Conservation Partner of WWF